• OPPORTUNITY: ACCIONA’s chairman & CEO addresses the ‘Brazil Economic Forum’ in Zurich

José Manuel Entrecanales, chairman and CEO of ACCIONA, said today at the Brazil Economic Forum in Zurich that the company's experience in the construction of Line 6 of the Sao Paulo Metro "gives us, if possible, even greater confidence in the Brazilian market."

"We are even more interested [to invest in Brazil]," he said during his speech. "Brazil has talent, it has strong institutions, it has an enviably stable economic system, it has scale and it has abundant natural resources," he added. "In addition, we have seen that its institutions and society in general support not only this great project, but also others that will undoubtedly be done in the future."

ACCIONA's chairman made specific reference to the social impact of Line 6 in Sao Paulo and highlighted that it already employs almost 9,000 people and that, among other factors, it is generating a high level of female employment. "We have the construction site with the highest number of women employees in the world," he said, and gave as an example a concrete precasting plant in which 70% of employees are women.

ACCIONA has been operating in Brazil for more than 25 years. It has constructed emblematic infrastructure such as Terminal 2 in Porto do Açu (State of Rio de Janeiro) and the transformation of the former Júlio Prestes train station into the Sala São Paulo, a world-class concert venue, among other projects.

ACCIONA is currently building Line 6 of the São Paulo subway system, the largest infrastructure project in Latin America. The new line will be 15 kilometers long and will connect the northern zone to the center of the city. It will provide service to more than 630,000 people per day.

The Brazil Economic Forum, organized by the Grupo de Líderes Empresariais (LIDE), brings together in Zurich an important cross-section of the main political, social and economic leaders, as well as a broad representation of international investors, with the aim of developing a wide-ranging debate on the economy, the sustainability and the future of the country.

Founded in Brazil in 2003, LIDE is an organization that brings together executives from the most varied sectors of activity to strengthen the free initiative of economic and social development, as well as the defense of ethical principles of governance in the public and private spheres.


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