- Coinciding with the UN’s “Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day”, ACCIONA highlights the social initiatives designed to reinforce business activity in the communities where it operates
ACCIONA Energía has driven a number of initiatives aimed at supporting the creation of micro-enterprises in the communities where it carries out its projects, as a way of creating value at the local level and establishing good neighbour relations in the long term.
Toda, 27 June, the United Nations celebrates “Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day” to raise awareness around the contribution of these companies to sustainable development and the global economy. According to the UN, this type of formal and informal organisation represents more than 90% of all enterprises in the world and, on average, 70% of total jobs and 50% of GDP. As such, they are key stakeholders in achieving a green recovery.
Aware of their importance, ACCIONA Energía implements a range of social initiatives designed to support this group of enterprises within the framework of the Social Impact Management of its projects, for example, those shown below.
In Chile, the Tourism Positioning Strategy in the area around the Usya photovoltaic plant sets out to boost the development of tourism, with a consequent increase in turnover for local businesses. Furthermore, as part of the social management of a number of facilities in the country, programmes to boost production are carried out with support from the communities in activities such as fishing and small livestock rearing.
The initiative titled Aprende, emprende y Acciónate (Learn, Be Enterprising and Get Moving) is carried out in the areas around a number of the company’s installations in Mexico and Costa Rica. It consists of giving training courses to create skills in the communities and forming alliances to foster entrepreneurship.
For many years now a Development Programme for Entrepreneurs and SMEs has been organised in South Africa near the company’s Gouda and Sishen facilities with the aim of giving advice and orientation to companies in the area so that they can become successful and sustainable. As well as the consultancy and mentoring services they receive, the companies can also access finance to grow and develop their businesses.
Other projects designed to boost companies in the areas of influence around the company’s projects in South Africa include the implementation of hydroponic crop cultivation as a way to feed livestock and the Northern Cape Honey Farmer Incubator project, which seeks to develop historically disadvantaged local communities so that they can become profitable producers of honey, producing it independently as SMEs.
In Spain, and specifically within the framework of the Social Impact Management of the Extremadura I, II y III photovoltaic complex currently under construction, a programme is being designed to support local SMEs by linking up with young entrepreneurs who can provide innovative and sustainable solutions to the main challenges to their businesses. The initiative is being carried out in an alliance with Alma Natura, a B-Corp entity that seeks to dynamize the rural world.
The driving force behind these initiatives is part of ACCIONA Energía’s commitment to create a positive impact on the planet and improve people’s living conditions generally.