The award of this contract, by Canal de Isabel II, included the operation and maintenance of 20 wastewater treatment plants in the Guadarrama Medio (lot V). All the plants are located in the southwest of the Community of Madrid. The project comprises 19 municipalities (including Navalcarnero, Villaviciosa de Odón, Valdemorillo, Cenicientos, Cadalso de los Vidrios and Sevilla la Nueva) with a total population of 358,950 inhabitants.
General Information
- Entity: Community of Madrid (Madrid Regional Government) Canal de Isabel II
- Location: Madrid
- Population: 120,000 eq/inhab
- Flow: 20,000 m3/day
Key points
- Pre-breakdown and propelling to WWTP-urban pipes and propelling
- 10 mm pitch coarse solids breakdown
- 3 mm pitch fine solids sieving
- Sand/silt trapping-grease trapping in 2 aerated longitudinal channels
- Sand/silt clarifying and grease concentrating
- Biological treatment in low load active sludge with removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by biological means (MUCT)
- Two 13,750 m3 reactors
- Diffuser and blower aeration
- Secondary settling in two 30 m diameter circular units
- Excess sludge floatation thickening in a 10 m diameter unit
- Dehydration (Conditioning) in two 13 m3/h centrifuge settlers