The plant has enabled the environmental recovery of existing contaminated beach areas, increasing their use as a source of recreation and tourism and promoting tourism projects in the area of influence.
The La Chira project enable the Peruvian government to fulfil its commitment to the Millennium Goal of 100% treated wastewater by 2015.
General Information
- Location: Lima, Peru
- Capacity: 544,320 m3/d
- Contract type: D&C and O&M (25 years)
- Equivalent population: 2.5 million people
Social initiatives related to the project
In recent years, ACCIONA has developed initiatives of a social nature, which directly benefit the inhabitants of the towns in the vicinity of the project.
These areas are:
- Guided visits to the community in the project's area of influence.
- Informative talks to the community on the scope of the project.
- Environmental competitions in schools in the area.