The Butarque WWTP is located on the right of the Manzanares River, receiving wastewater from the districts of Villaverde, Usera, Latina, Carabanchel and Moncloa-Aravaca. In addition to the water from the municipality of Madrid, part of the sewage from Pozuelo de Alarcón, Alcorcón and Leganés is sent to this plant.
The treatment plant has the following process stages: old pretreatment, new pretreatment, old primary treatment, new primary treatment, biological treatment, sludge thickening, digestion, sludge dewatering, chlorination, electrical energy recovery, air line (odor treatment) and internal reuse of treated water.
General Information
- Entity: Madrid Town Council
- Location: Butarque ( Madrid )
- Population: 1,980,000 eq/inhab
- Flow: 432,000 m3/day
Key points
Technical data
- Average DBO5 : 275 mg/l
- Head in DBO5 : 118,800 kg/d
- Average S.S.T. : 275 mg/l
- Head in S.S. : 118,800 kg/d
- Influent construction and general spillway and plant by-pass
- Coarse solids wells
- Pre-breakdown of solids
- Crushing
- Raw water pumping
- Breakdown
- Sand/silt trapping - Grease trapping in 6 lines
- Flow metering and regulation
- Distribution pits