
Population equivalent

Remodeling of biological treatment

Canal Isabel II has award ACCIONA the works of Alcalá Oeste WWTP in Alcalá de Henares, located in Madrid.

The contract is about renovate the biological treatment into an bio filter hybrid with fix biomass in a mobile support.

This contract is under the Water Quality National Plan development in the Alcalá Oeste WWTP.

The plant had a capacity of 74,818 m3/d for a population of 374,090 inhabitants. With the new legislation, the plant needs to adapt its capacity to 59,000 m3/d, which means a population of 280,250 inhabitants. Moreover, four biological reactor lines, with a total volume of 15,547 m3 will be renovate for an MBBR Hybrid Reactor - Active Sludge.

General Information

  • Client: Canal de Isabel II
  • Location: Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
  • Population: 374,090 inhabitants
  • Capacity: 74.818 m3/d 

Key points

The actions to be carry out affects the following facilities:

  • Treatment lines performance
  • Water Lines
  • Modifications in the biological reactor, with Hybrid bio filter. Turbo-Blowers and bio filters diffusors.
  • Sludge Lines ( extension): Sludge internal Recirculation, reagents:  ferric chloride and methanol
  • New instrumentation equipment facilities. 
  • New electric equipment facilities. 


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