With the aim of improving service quality and customer satisfaction, Acciona has launched a project since the award of the contract in 2014 to optimize the management of the integral water cycle that yields significant environmental benefits, such as the reduction of water consumption, energy consumption and CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere thanks to the implementation of new technologies and the improvement of organizational and production processes.
ACCIONA's water division is present in Castilla-La Mancha, where it manages services in Manzanares and several water treatment plants such as Cabanillas del Campo (Guadalajara), Seseña (Toledo), Tarancón (Cuenca) and Villarobledo (Albacete).
ACCIONA considers that the contract allows it to "consolidate" its presence in the province of Ciudad Real, and also to contribute to the sustainability of the Tablas de Daimiel National Park.
General information
- Customer: Ayuntamiento de Villarrubia de los Ojos
- Location: Villarrubia de los Ojos, Castilla la Mancha. Spain.
- Population managed: 10.873 inhabitants
- Average volume distributed: 7,800 m3/day
Aspectos destacados
Network maintenance:
Distribution (km): 100
Drainage (km): 55
Maintenance of catchments (number of pumping wells): 9
Maintenance of 3 reservoirs with a total capacity of (m3): 8.500
Operation and maintenance of D.W.W.T. (m3): 6,480
Meter reading (readings per year): 23,536
Search for leaks (km per year): 100
Water quality control (total analysis per year): 125
Storm water tank maintenance: 2,295 m3
Water quality control (total analysis per year): 125
Subscriber management
Cleaning of the sewerage network
Hydraulic works
Control of discharges
Emergency services.