Behind all of these facilities, there is a team of more than 250 professionals. It also has 50 vehicles equipped with cutting-edge technology and an organizational structure that operates in a coordinated manner to ensure the proper operation of Valencia's sanitation system.
Worthy of mention are the remote control systems located in the Sanitation Operation Centre, with operational staff working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, making it possible to monitor, control and operate the electromechanical installations distributed throughout the network, in real time.
General Information
- Customer: Valencia City Council.
- Location: Valencia (Community of Valencia). Spain.
- Population served: 790,201 inhabitants
- Average volume distributed: 971 hm3/day.
- Maintenance of Networks:
- Programmed cleaning.
- Support service.
- Un-programmed emergency service.
- Cleaning of scuppers and sewer pipes.
- Operation and maintenance of pump stations.
- Operation and maintenance of waste water treatment stations.
- Works.
- Waste waster control unit.
- Municipal training control and implementation office.
- Technical office for network inspection and analysis.
- Sewage network information system:
- Modernisation of the network.
- Network planimetry.
- Remote control and command system.
- General plan for rainwater action.