+ 165,000


Provision of entire water cycle

These services include the entire water cycle: sanitation, water monitoring, meter reading and sewer disinfection, among tasks, providing services to 165,637 inhabitants.

General Information

  • Customer: Diputación de Jaén (Regional Jaén Council). 
  • Municipalities supplied: Andújar, Marmolejo, Vva. Reina, Bailén, Baños, Mengíbar, Villatorres, Jabalquinto, Cazalilla, Zocueca, Baeza, Ibrós, Lupión, Torreblascopedro, Rus, Canena, Úbeda, S. Tomé, Torreperogil, Sabiote, Begijar, Vva. Arzobispo, Vilacarrillo, Iznatoraf, Cazorla, Quesada, Peal Becerro, Iruela, Arjona, Mancha Real, Porcuna, Castellar, Chiclana, Montizón, Sorihuela, Navas, Santiesteban. 
  • Average volume distributed: 31,700 m3/d.


Services included:

  • Maintenance of Networks:
    • Supply (km): 259.
    • Distribution (km): 659.
    • Drainage (km): 556. 
  • Meter reading. 
  • Search for leaks. 
  • Quality control of water. 
  • Emergency service. 
  • Master investment plan. 
  • Remote control and GIS system.

Zocueca drinking water Treatment Plant (Rumblar Consortium)                                                                                                  

Desigh flowa 250 two lines
Pre-treatment Pre-ozonization
Physical-chemical treatment Coagulation and flocculation
Clarification 2 type clariflocculator
Filtration 4 per sand bed
Disinfection Chlorination


Las Copas Drinking Water Treatment Plant (La Loma Consortium)                                                                 

Desigh flow (l/s) 250 two lines
Pre-treatment Pre-ozonization
Physical-chemical treatment Coagulation and flocculation
Clarification 2 type clariflocculator
Filtration 4 per sand bed
Disinfection Chlorination


Waste Water Treatment Plants: Andújar, Bailén, Mengíbar, Marmolejo, Baños de la Encina, Vva. Reina                                                                                                                                                   

Andújar Biological carousel Clarification Sludge stabiliser Centrifuge
Bailén Biological carousel Clarification Sludge stabiliser Centrifuge
Mendigíbar Biological active sludge Clarification Sludge stabiliser Centrifuge
Marmolejo Prolonged aeration Clarification Sludge stabiliser Centrifuge
Baños Total oxidisation Clarification Sludge stabiliser Centrifuge
Vva.Reina Total oxidisation Clarification Sludge stabiliser Centrifuge

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