General Information
- Customer: Molina de Segura Town Council.
- Location: Molina de Segura (Murcia). Spain.
- Population served: 69,614 inhabitants
- Average volume distributed: 18,195 m3/day.
Services included:
- Maintenance of Networks:
- High (km).
- Distribution (km): 395.
- Drainage (km): 106.
- Meter readings (readings /year) 103,300.
- Search for leaks (km/year) 16,076.
- Drinking water.
- Sewage.
- Hydraulic works.
- Wastewater treatment, 2 plants.
- Municipal pool.
- Public lighting.
- Ecopark (recycling point).
- Dump.
- Garden services.
- Street cleaning.
- Cleaning of buildings.
- Collection of solid urban waste.
- Street signalling.
- Dog collection.
- Immediate Action Service (S.A.I.).
Source of water:
Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla (District association of los Canales del Taibilla).