More efficient and environmentally sustainable infrastructure by means of the implementation of the latest remote control technologies, GIS, network modelling, network sectoring, expansion of reservoirs, restoration of networks and upgrading of installations.
General Information
- Customer: Moraleja Town Council
- Location: Moraleja, Cáceres, (Extremadura), Spain
- Population served: 6,969 inhabitants.
- Average volume distributed: 4.120 m3/day.
Key points
Services included:
- Network maintenance:
- Distribution (km): 50
- Sewers (km): 41
- Maintenance of 2 tanks with a total capacity of: 5,000 m3
- Meter reading (readings /year): 4 readings
- Leakage control (km per year): 50
- Water quality control (checks per year): 750 Sanitary Security Plan in progress
- Customer management: 4,700 customers
- Sewer Network cleaning
- Effluent control
- Emergency services