General Information
- Client: Corrales del Vino Town Council
- Location: Corrales de Vino, Zamora (Castilla y León), Spain
- Population: 1,022 Inhabitants
- Average volume distributed (m3/day): 600
Key points
Services included:
- Network maintenance:
- Distribution (km): 32
- Sewers (Km): 25
- Intake Maintenance (number of pumping stations): 4 units
- Maintenance of 3 tanks with a total capacity of: 350 m3
- Meter reading: 4,036
- Leakage control (km per year): 96
- Water quality control (checks per year): 17 + Daily Disinfection Control
- Water storm tank maintenance
- Customer management: 1,009 customers
- Sewer network cleaning: 5
- Served Towns: Peleas de Arriba y Fuentelcarnero
- Effluent control
- Emergency services: 24h