General Information
- Customer: City Council of Arévalo.
- Location: Ávila (Castilla y León).Spain.
- Population served: 11,000.
- Average volume distributed: 21,740 m3/day.
- Maintenance of Networks:
- High (km): 50.
- Distribution (km): 40.
- aintenance of Networks:
- Drainage (km): 25.
- Meter readings (readings/year): 17,950.
- Search for leaks (Km/year): 115.
- Water quality control (total analysis/ year): 104 + disinfection control.
- Emergency service.
- Supply to the Community of la Moraña.
Source of water:
- Own catchment (total power): 535.
- Storage capacity (m3): 2,850.
Average flow (m3/day) | 300 |
Equivalent population (kg BOD5/day) | 30,000 |
Pre-treatment | Coarse screen/fine screen/pre-ozonization |
Physical-chemical treatment | Physical-chemical |
Secondary treatment | Coagulation/fluorination |
Clarification | |
Filtration | 4 filters |
Disinfection | Pre-chlorination/post-chlorination |