To supply Pantelleria, ACCIONA – through a temporary joint venture with Sofip and Protecno – will operate the plants in Sataria and Maggiuluvedi, using sea and brackish water respectively. Together, they will reach a total maximum flow of 2.2 million cubic meters (m3). The same partners are involved in Lampedusa and Linosa, and the seawater treated will reach a maximum annual flow of almost 2.4 million m3.
The objective is to renew the desalination facilities by including membranes for water treatment through inverse osmosis, which will mean energy savings and a lower water price for end users.
The contract strengthens the presence of the water business of ACCIONA in Italy, and particularly in the Mediterranean area.
General Information
- Location: Pelagias Island (Lampedusa,Linosa,Pantelleria), Italy
- Population served: 20,000 inhabitants
- Average Capacity: 12,600 m3/day