The social initiatives of the company are based in the communities in which the projects are located, and are mainly donations, grants, contributions to schools, support of sports events and other academic and sporting activities.
The most emblematic social project that ACCIONA implements in United States, is the award of grants to students who wantto study engineering, physics, chemistry or business administration at university.
This initiative is carried out in the areas of influence of 4 wind farms:
- Tatanka in North Dakota
- Red hills in Oklahoma
- Ecogrove in Illinois
- San Roman in Texas
Since 2009, the company has awarded 61 students across the United States who were interested in careers related to sustainability or renewable energy. Students have to submit their applications and go through a selection process in which the mos tsuitable ones are select forthe scholarships.
The objective of this action is to help students belonging to the districts in which ACCIONA is present, to become the next generation of professionals working on innovation and sustainability, as well as to strengthen the communities where the projects are found.
This year marked a milestone for the program. In the summer, Frederick Lapka a 2017 recipient of a scholarship from Tatanka in North Dakota returned to wind farm to accept a job as a summer intern. Lapka said that he used his scholarship, in part, to advance hisstudiesso that one day he may work in wind power.