Rookwood Weir is a mass concrete structure with fixed crest spillway, stilling basin, left and right abutments, low flow outlet, and dedicated fish and turtle passage solutions. Situated on the Fitzroy River, 66km south-west of Rockhampton, Queensland, the structure rises 16.2m above the riverbed and has a full supply volume of 74,325 megalitres.
The construction of an innovative fish lock with multiple entry and exit levels will allow for increased fish passage as head- and tail-waters fluctuate on the Fitzroy River. Also, Rookwood's dedicated turtle passage has been specifically designed to cater for the movement patterns of the Fitzroy River Turtle and White-throated Snapping Turtle, allowing for safe, 24/7 navigation of the waterway barrier.
300,000m3 of excavation volumes have been saved by optimising the weir crest length and batter slope design. This resulted in 4,427 tonnes of cement being saved through the Project.
- Location: South West of Rockhampton, Queensland Australia
- Contract type:
- Infrastructure: a 74,325 megalitre Concrete Weir providing Water security and flood mitigation for the region.
- Alliance partners: Sunwater, GHD, McCosker
- Construction completion year: 2023
- Project value: $367 million