The contract, which was developed in 2 stages, involved the construction of a new port sheltered by the Prioriño Chico cape in Ensenada de Caneliñas. It is the first outer port of Galicia.
The port has a sloped seawall measuring 1,067 metres long, cemented on natural terrain, a coastal pier measuring 1,515 metres long with a depth of 20 metres and an auxiliary pier measuring 145 metres long and 10 metres in depth.
In this first stage, the coastal pier also serves as an enclosure and containment of the esplanade for the fillings and consists of 30 prefabricated reinforced concrete caissons with a depth of 20 metres.
The works of the second stage involved a 656-metre long extension. To this end, the prefabricated reinforced concrete caissons, aligning the existing coastal pier, were used to integrate 1,515 metres of pier with a depth of 20 metres. Similarly, an auxiliary pier for multi-purpose berthing was constructed, perpendicularly oriented to the coastal pier and measuring 145 metres long, made of prefabricated concrete caissons and blocks; and finally enabling the esplanades attached to these piers.
- Location: El Ferrol, A Coruña, Spain.
- Contract type: Construction.
- Infrastructure: In the first stage, a sloped seawall measuring 1,067 metres long, cemented on natural terrain, was built. The coastal pier, consisting of 30 prefabricated reinforced concrete caissons with a depth of 20 metres. It was expanded in the second stage, using prefabricated reinforced concrete caissons, aligning the existing coastal pier to integrate 1,515 metres of pier with a depth of 20 metres; an auxiliary pier for multi-purpose berthing measuring 145 metres in length, perpendicularly oriented to the coastal pier riverside and enabling the esplanades of the aforementioned piers.
- Year of project completion: 2009
To provide more capacity and to ensure the operations of the facilities for maritime traffic purposes.
- It doubles the number of square meters of esplanades and available berthing.
- Promoting the economic development of the estuary.
First outer port in Galicia.