As part of the social impact management, the project has supported the improvement of a local road. Olmito Road was being used by local residence to travel within the area. The road was in disrepair and would often flood during rainstorms making the road unusable. In addition to the flooding issues, the integrity of the roadway would be impacted due to severe rutsin it.
Improvements to Olmito Road began in September, 2018. The base of the road was removed and replaced to allow for a stable roadway. A new base of geotextiles and six inches of compacted aggregate was placed on the road. A total 7.7 km were improved.
Work was completed on Olmito Road in December 2018. The improved roadway is now stable and compact and benefits the local residences by allowing them a reliable road to travel. In addition to the planned improvements to the roadway, the local fire department asked to extend the improvements north so that they would have a reliable roadway to travel to assist local residence in emergencies. The extension work is underway and will be available to local residence and emergency servicessoon.