ACCIONA was the Main Contractor and was responsible for the general management of the construction. The design was provided by Alberta Transportation, although there were several specific items that needed more in-depth design (bearings, expansion joints, MSE walls, steel diaphragms, etc.). Therefore, our construction team also took care of this part of the design, together with our suppliers and with the support of our engineering company.
The length of the action is 4.50 km: 2.90 km in a north-south direction and 1.60 km in an east-west direction.
The project includes:
- The construction of 3 bridges of prefabricated concrete beams, two of them for road traffic of 165 and 150 m each and the other for pedestrians.
- Extension of an existing 166 m long prefabricated beam bridge over the CP railroad tracks from 4.20 m wide to 11.20 m wide.
- 2 new underpass structures.
- The extension of 2 more underpasses.
- Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- Contract type: Design and construction.
- Infrastructure: 2.90 km north to south, 1.60 km east to west. Three new bridges, two of them for road traffic and one for pedestrians, as well as the widening of an existing 166-metre bridge by 8.00 m, the construction of two new subways and the widening of two existing ones.
- Year of project completion: 2014