Solar gardens are groupings of photovoltaic plant owners who share common infrastructures and services. Located in Navarra, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura and Aragon, the solar gardens developed by ACCIONA have a total capacity of 62 MWp and have more than 3,500 owners.
- Location: Milagro, Navarra (Spain).
- Peak capacity: 9.50 MWp.
- Technology: Photovoltaic solar with azimuthal tracking.
- Start-up: 2007.
- Owners: 753 individual owners.
- Developer: ACCIONA.
- Average annual production: 14 GWh.
- Clean energy equivalent to the demand from around 4,000 homes.
- 864 solar trackers (5 kW and 11 kW) and 25 fixed structures
- 51-hectare site
- 13,400 metric tons of CO2 avoided per year
- Complex management, with more than 750 individual owners
- Adaptation to an environment of scrubland
- In-house-designed azimuthal solar trackers