The contract foresees, among other improvements, the implementation of plans to optimise hydraulic, energy and management efficiency, which will lead to significant economic and energy savings for community members. Likewise, the inclusion in the contract of reading, billing and collection tasks will lead to better management and control of the water resource. A photovoltaic plant and a new reservoir are also planned, which will allow, among other things, an increase in the use of renewable energy and the resilience of the system.
The Monte Aguilar Irrigation Community has 525 hectares dedicated mainly to the cultivation of almond trees through a highly efficient and professional model. Its exploitation is oriented to the production of nuts, guaranteeing the quality of the product and the maximum respect for the environment. The water comes from the river Ebro, where they have a catchment with a concessionary flow of 291.39 l/s.
Irrigation is the main user of water in Spain, and irrigation communities play a decisive role in the sector's sustainability. ACCIONA, a leader in the integral water cycle, offers the agricultural sector its experience and know-how in sustainable and innovative technologies to guarantee water supply and optimal asset management.
General Information
- Location: Zaragoza, Spain
- Crop type: almond trees
- Hectares: 525