With a total investment of AU$1.4 billion (€850 millions), the project is one of the largest energy infrastructure initiatives in Australia and will involve the design and construction of 237 kilometers of 500 kV overhead transmission lines from Bannaby to Wondalga, and the upgrading of the 500 kV Bannaby substation.
It is a project of national significance and will contribute to Australia meeting its future energy demands through a greater mix of low emission renewable energy sources as we transition to a low carbon future. HumeLink will deliver a cheaper, more reliable, and more sustainable grid by increasing the capacity for renewable energy to be delivered across the national electricity market.
- Location: Wagga Wagga, Wiradjuri, NSW, Australia.
- Contract type: Design and construction.
- Infrastructure: Dual Circuit 500kV Overhead Transmission Lines and the upgrade of the Bannaby 500kV substation.
- Year of completion: -