A large section of the route passed through tunnels. The Gaztelua I and II tunnels both consisted of two tubes and were 594 m and 1,141 m long respectively. The artificial Gaztelua tunnel, which was 216 m long, was located between them, while the Atxondo cut-and-cover tunnel was 95 m long.
The main works included two viaducts, 865 m and 649 m long, which formed the basis for the connection of the new infrastructure with the AP-8, one of which branches into two, forming another viaduct that is 187 m long.
- Location: Gerediaga, Bizkaia, Basque Country, Spain.
- Contract type: Design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance.
- Infrastructure: 6.44 km highway with separated two-lane carriageways along its whole length.
- Year of project completion: 2016