The members of the communities situated in the surroundings of the wind farm, present different projects of diverse nature. Once the applications have been received, the Board of Directors decides the participation in each one of them.
One of the communities is Tilarán. A community with very extensive internal roads that have brought negative consequences in the behavior and culture of the community since it is very common to find vehicles in double parking, in the corners or in front of access ramps for disabled, elderly people, with children, etc. This habit has been extended until it has obstructed both driver´s and pedestrian´s view, causing accidents.
The objective of 2018 was to change this culture that seems to become more radical in the area, creating the project “free corners”, an awareness campaign to improve the respect for traffic regulations, to encourage parking in duly authorized areas and thus avoid possible inconveniences and accidents.
The project started in mid-2018 with a duration of 6 months in which videos have been recorded and messages have been launched in community activities. Thanks to this project, the entire population of Tilarán has benefited, approximately 20,000 inhabitants.
This campaign promoted by the Energy division of ACCIONA, has the support of different institutions, such as the Municipality of Tilarán, Traffic Police, Public Force, Red Cross, Firemen, Guides & Scouts, Active 20-30, Newcats Tilarán and Cultural radio, as well as influential people in the community.
'Free Corners” consists of raising awareness and transform the culture of the community by getting the message through different means of communication:
- Videos
- Radio wedges
- Digital Ads on social networks
- Posters in strategically chosen stores in the conflicting corners
- Advertising brochures to distribute
Thanks to the diffusion of this project, ACCIONA has achieved a change in the population, being able to observe improvements in the behavior of drivers.