
aditional berthing line

7 reinforced concrete precast caissons

Extension of the second alignment of the Muelle Adosado mole in the Port of Barcelona to create an additional 290-metre berthing line, with a depth of 16 metres, to extend the adjoining container terminal in the short-medium term and for cruise ship berths in the medium-long term.

Construction of a 290 metre long berthing line, with a depth of 16 metres against the zero calibration of the Port of Barcelona. The selected structural design consists of a dock of seven precast reinforced concrete caissons supported on a riprap foundation.


These caissons, and the ground underneath their foundation bed, will be used to assess the consolidation of the seabed during the construction of the dock.


A containment wall will be constructed perpendicular to the berthing line at its southern end. This containment wall consists of a sloping breakwater made up of different grades of riprap and delimits the perimeter area of the enclosure reclaimed from the sea that will be filled in to create the new esplanade.


Construction of the berthing line will require the sludge and clay from the seabed to be excavated and dredged to create a trench that will hold the foundation platform for the dock.


  • Location: Barcelona, Spain.
  • Contract type: Construction.
  • Infrastructure: Alignment of the Muelle Adosado mole in the Port of Barcelona to create an additional 290-metre berthing line, 16 metres deep.
  • Year of project completion: End of 2018


The structural design selected to extend the dock consists of seven precast reinforced concrete caissons, which are sunk to their final location and then filled with aggregate material.

Each caisson measures more than 40 metres long and weighs more than 8,000 tons. These have all been constructed by ACCIONA’s Kugira floating dock, one of the largest of its kind in the world.


Kugira, el coloso artesano

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