It was designed in such a way that it allows for future expansion to three lanes, and a 0.75-m sidewalk was created next to the 2.50-m hard shoulder, allowing any drivers whose cars have broken down, or any other person, to walk safely along the road should the General Council of Aragón deem it necessary.
The foundations of the abutments and piers are made by means of piles and pile caps with a diameter of 1.50 metres and depths ranging from 17 to 26 metres.
- Location: Zaragoza, Spain.
- Client: Government of Aragón (End Client).
- Concessionaire: Sociedad Concesionaria Puente del Ebro, S.A.
- Contract type: Design, construction, operation and maintenance (PPP).
- Infrastructure: Structure for crossing over the River Ebro: The viaduct crossing over the River Ebro has a total length of 400 m, and has two parallel viaducts made up of 10 spans of 40 m each, executed with decks for each carriageway on prefabricated double T-beams and a compression slab, with a maximum height of 15 m.
- Year of project completion: 2008