Design and construction of a 23-kilometer four-lane highway
The project involved the design and construction of a 23-kilometer four-lane highway along the existing E6 route. It also included the construction of three tunnels parallel to the current ones. The project features eight bridges and three grade-separated interchanges. This new infrastructure will expand the road from two to four lanes, improving mobility in the northern part of Trøndelag county.
Construction began in 2020 and was initially planned for completion in 2027. Until the reopening, ACCIONA was also responsible for traffic management and the construction of temporary and alternative routes to maintain traffic flow between Ranheim and Værnes.
ACCIONA completed its work in 2023.
- Location: Trøndelag, Norway
- Contract type: Design and construction
- Project completion: 2027
Since the award of the project in 2018, ACCIONA has carried out basic design work with Nye Veier under the client-contractor partnership model being implemented in the Norwegian public works market. The company engaged Rambøll and Leonhard Nilsen & Sønner AS as subcontractors for the project.
The basic design work included how to reduce the risk of unforeseen circumstances. It also optimised the road design to improve safety and traffic flow during the construction phase.
According to the current zoning plans, the route comprises approximately 15 km of open road, including bridges and approximately 8 km of tunnels.
The route includes 4 double tunnels:
- Være Tunnel (1,700 m), one newly constructed and one rehabilitated.
- Stavsjøfjell Tunnel (1,800 m), one newly constructed and one rehabilitated.
- Hommelvik Tunnel (900 m), two new constructions.
- Helltunnelen (3,900 m), one newly built and one refurbished.
The route includes 8 bridges:
- Hommelvik Bridge (240 m), 3,158 m2.
- Sandfærhus Bridge (290 m), 3,615 m2.
- Remaining bridges: 6 bridges with a total of 300 metres.