The beginning of the section is located to the northeast of Antequera, about 3 km from the town, where it connects with the project for the Bobadilla - Antequera junction section. After passing through the Vega de Antequera, it crosses the A-45 dual carriageway by means of a 130-metre-long viaduct known as the 'Viaduct over the A-45'.
Once past the junction with the A-45 dual carriageway, the route turns to the left and a second viaduct, the 'Viaduct over the River Guadalhorce and the A-92', with a span of 49 metres and a length of 2,525.50 metres, crosses the junction over the River Guadalhorce and the A-92 dual carriageway.
Once the crossing over the A-92 motorway has been passed, the route is situated to the north of the A-92 and continues through a 790-metre long artificial tunnel.
Subsequently, a new 606-metre viaduct is planned, called the 'Viaducto del Cortijo de Roperos', to cross a wide watercourse in which the number of spans has been reduced by two, and pile no. 7 is established as a fixed point.
The route then turns to the left and crosses the Fuente de Piedra - Granada railway line, a new viaduct, 123 metres long, called 'Viaduct over FC Fuente de Piedra - Granada'.
- Location: Córdoba - Málaga, Spain.
- Contract type: Construction.
- Infrastructure: The Antequera - Peña de los Enamorados section runs entirely through Málaga province, with its 8.45 km crossing the municipalities of Antequera and Archidona. The route includes three viaducts, two underpasses, a cut-and-cover tunnel and an overpass support structure to cross over the existing railway line. Construction of the railway track infrastructure, including:
- Viaduct over the A-92 highway and the River Guadalhorce, 2,525 metres long (90 m span)
- Viaduct over the Cortijo Roperos, 606 metres long.
- Viaduct over the A-45 highway, 130 metres long.
- Overpass support structure over the Fuente de Piedra-Granada railway line, 60 metres long.
- Cut-and-cover tunnel, 790 metres long.
- 3 underpasses.
- Project value: 150 million euros.
- Year of project completion: 2018