It is an elevatad pedestrian crossing over the Nervión estuary that connects, by means of ramps and stairways, Paseo Campo Volantín, on the right bank, with Paseo de Uribitarte, on the left bank.
The large inclined and unfolded parabolic steel arch crosses the footbridge from one side to the other. The steel arch has a circular section 50 cm thick and reaches a final height of 15 metres. The footbridge, with a total length of 75 metres, rises to a height of 8.50 metres above high tide to allow ships to pass under its subway. Two access ramps in two sections, each 2 metres wide and with a gradient of 7%, bridge the steep slope of the walkway to cross it from one side to the other.
The gangway is supported from the arch by tensioned cables of 30 mm in diameter that are anchored to the steel arch.
- Location: Bilbao, Spain.
- Contract type: Construction.
- Infrastructure: A large inclined parabolic steel arch, which supports the pedestrian structure with iron cables, 15 metres high, 75 metres long and rising 8.50 m above the high tide of the Bilbao estuary.
- Year of project completion: 1997