Reduced Energy Consumption in Public Buildings,

Remediation Strategies for Reduced Energy Consumption in Public Buildings, BRICKER

Existing public non-residential buildings represent a valuable asset in Europe. They account for 25% of the total building stock in Europe and comprise a more complex and heterogeneous sector compared to residential constructions.

Understanding the energy use and CO2 emissions in the non-residential sector is complex as end-uses such as lighting, ventilation, heating, cooling, refrigeration, IT equipment and appliances vary greatly from one building category to another. The average specific energy consumption in the non-residential EU27 sector is 280kWh/m2, covering all end-uses. Over the last 20 years in Europe, electricity consumption in non-residential buildings has risen by a remarkable 74%. With increasing penetration of IT equipment, air conditioning systems and other technologies, electricity demand within this sector is still on the rise.


A retrofitting solution package for existing public-owned non-residential buildings is needed in order to drastically reduce energy consumption (beyond 50%) and GHG emissions in this sector. The BRICKER retrofitting package is based on:

  • Envelope retrofitting solutions for demand reduction through made-to-measure façades, innovative insulation materials and high performance aerating windows .
  • Zero emissions energy production technologies drawing on an Organic Rankine Cycle-based cogeneration system fed with locally available renewable sources, like biomass or solar
  • Development of integration and operation strategies for the BRICKER Technologies and guidance for design, commissioning and maintenance.

High indoor environment quality standards are met when the energy efficiency strategies are implemented, as such standards are critical for improving the quality of life of European citizens in areas such as health care, education and working environments.

The retrofitting solution package is implemented in three real demonstration building complexes, located in three different European countries and with different end-uses.

To maximize impact and replicability of the project, technology integration, guidance for implementation and technological transfer to social housing are being developed. These are designed to help public bodies implement optimal retrofitting strategies, taking into account the economic and financial constraints, latest developments in building know-how, innovative business models and continuous operation strategies.



48 months.

October 2013 - October 2017.



  • Acciona infraestructuras S.A
  • Fundación CARTIF
  • Consejería de Agricultura, Desarrollo rural, Medio Ambiente y Energía de la Junta de Extremadura
  • Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation
  • Expander Tech S. L.


  • Accademia Europea Bolzano
  • Fondazione Bruno Kessler
  • Laterizzi Gambetola SRL


  • Steinbeis Innovation GmbH


  • Adnan Menderes Universiti
  • Onur Enerji
  • Ozyegin University


  • Purinova


  • Greencom Development
  • Province de Liege
  • Université de Liege

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