The BIOUP project will undertake the generation of biomethane in one and two stages (in situ, in the digester of the treatment plant itself, ex situ, in trickling biofilters, or through a combination of in situ and ex situ stages) for its integration into the sludge and/or gas line of a WWTP. The ultimate goal is to obtain biomethane to improve the efficiency of the cogeneration groups or to be injected into the natural gas network if appropriate quality is achieved.
The project pursues the development of a power-to-gas solution that will make it possible to obtain a safe and logistically manageable energy vector, such as methane, while contributing to solving the problem of surplus renewable energy, since it cannot be used in certain time slots.
BIOUP is a project coordinated by ACCIONA's Water business with the participation of the University of Valladolid through its Institute for Sustainable Processes (ISP) and CIEMAT, a Public Research Organization attached to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities focused on energy and environmental research.
BIOUP (Project number CPP2021-009086) is one of the 2021 public-private collaborative projects funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union – Next GenerationEU/PRTR.