The construction project defines the route and the infrastructures required for the new high-speed line in order to construct the railway track bed for the Antzuola-Ezkio/Itsaso section from the western side of Antzuola.
The section is 3.56 km long, with 2.5 km in twin tunnels with connecting atriums (5 in total), 0.5 km as viaduct and the remainder as embankments/levelled land with the associated walls.
The tunnels are 5.2 km in total, of which 48% belong to our section.
The subsection belongs to the Guipuzcoano branch line and the “Y Vasca” line and is located in a mountainous area, successively crossing the Deba and Urola valleys and the Deskarga and Oiarbide rivers.
- Location: Antzuola and Zumárraga, Basque Country, Spain.
- Contract type: Construction.
- Infrastructure:cThe section is 3.56 km long, with 2.5 km in twin tunnels with connecting atriums (5 in total), 0.5 km as viaduct and the remainder as embankments/levelled land with the associated walls.
- Year of project completion: 2018