The ITVE scholarships are focused on careers related to the renewable energy sector such as Engineering in Renewable Energy, Engineering in Business Management, Engineering in Community Development and Industrial Engineering.
This initiative of professional education allows equal access for men and women for a quality technical and higher education. In 2018, in La Venta, 38 students participated while in Santo Domingo Ingenio, 52 students participated, reaching a total of 90 beneficiaries during the year.
This project has the following components:
- Registrations: the call is open for young and adults from the communities where ACCIONA operates. Applicants register through the ITVE. The scholarships are subject to the results of an exam in the inscription and a socioeconomic study that the same Institute applies.
- Scholarships: the scholarships are offered in a 100% for the first semester, for the following semesters, a range from 60-100% depends on the average scores obtained by the student in each semester.
- Face-to-face consultations: to optimize the learning and teaching process, an ITVE advisor facilitates face-to-face sessions at the Community Center on weekends. The incorporation of these consultancies has resulted in a significant reduction of school dropouts.
- Additional courses to the study: in order to increase the skills to access employment, English and AutoCAD courses are offered among others, as well as technical advice given by ACCIONA employees on issues related to safety, quality, electricity, etc.
Thanks to this initiative, ACCIONA’s social work in Mexico has been recognized in the IX Gala IX “Premios Corresponsables”, a prestigious iberoamerican award in Corporate Social Responsibility with the aim of recognizing the best initiatives in the field of Social Responsibility in Latin America. ACCIONA stood out in the category of large companies, being finalist in the contest for the initiative of scholarships focused on promoting educational development in the state of Oaxaca.