Our commitment to sustainability is a commitment to our reason for existence. We understand that social progress, environmental balance and economic growth go hand in hand, and that is how it must be. That is why we are contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The 17 global objectives set by the United Nations address the greatest challenges to humanity from a global and cross-discipline perspective. Only through the active involvement of governments, businesses and citizens will it be possible to solve the world’s major problems.
Challenges such as water and sanitation shortages, decarbonisation of the energy system, the need for resilient infrastructures and development of more sustainable cities, as well as the major underlying challenge affecting all the rest: the fight against climate change.
More than 844 million people in the world live without access to a basic drinking water service, and about three times as many lack access to basic sanitation. As a result, poverty, migration, chronic diseases and a loss of school hours are on the rise.
One in eight people still lack access to electricity. To ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, the use of renewable energy has to increase from the current 25% to 38% by 2025.
Economic growth, social progress and action against the climate emergency depend to a large degree on investment in infrastructure, sustainable industrial development and technological advances. One billion people currently live more than two kilometres from an all-season road, while 940 million live without electricity and 663 million have no improved sources of drinking water.
Currently, cities represent 3% of the planet's surface and contain more than 50% of the population. A figure that will increase to 70% in 2050. Added to these numbers is the fact that cities generate more than 80% of the world's gross domestic product (GDP).
The generation and use of energy is responsible for 74% of the world's total greenhouse gas emissions. This activity is the largest contributor to global warming. Investment in renewable energies, energy efficiency and other low-carbon technologies will continue to be essential in order to meet the new needs of the population and to minimise the negative impact on the environment.
We support the achievement United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, which address the greatest challenges facing humanity.
Sustainability is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations, ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social welfare.