Our foundation: acciona.org Initiatives we support Our strategy Sustainable Development Goals Climate emergency Social development Sustainability indices Sustainable Development Alliances Technology and innovation centres Open and collaborative innovation Digital hub Innovation projects Job offers Graduates and internships Diversity, equity and inclusion Safety, health and well-being Training Selection process Energy Transport Water Social Cities Real Estate Financial Integrated annual reports Annual accounts Results, reports & presentations Average period of payment to suppliers Ratings Share price Dividends Analyst opinions Investor calendar General Shareholders' Meeting Board of Directors and Committees Management team Share capital Annual Corporate Governance Report Director remuneration Governance rules and compliance Framework Agreement CNMV Communications Sustainable finance

ACCIONA understands that it must take a leading role in contributing to the sustainable development of the communities in the countries where it operates and to help improve the quality of life of the people that live there.

To achieve this goal, ACCIONA seeks to align social collaboration and its business activity, through sustainable medium/long-term projects where it is present, reinforcing the trust between the company and the societies in which it operates and increasing its positive contributions in accordance with the OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Social Action Policy
Human Rights Policy

To design a better planet is to contribute to the sustainable development of the communities where we work. Our Social Action Plan allows us to respond to their needs and expectations, in line with our business objectives, promoting the United Nations Agenda 2030.

ACCIONA believes that evaluating and managing the social impact of its projects, in addition to developing social initiatives, is an enabling condition for effectively contributing to sustainability in the communities where it operates. This conviction permeates every one of the company's businesses in all the countries in which it operates.

Read about our Social Impact Management and Enhanced Impact Solutions

Our objective is to develop differential actions for disadvantaged communities (preferably in isolated rural communities), located in the territories where ACCIONA operates or plans to operate, in terms of access to essential services.

  • 92,445 people benefitted in Peru, Mexico, Panama, Chile, Philippines and Spain, this equals 20,563 homes benefitted.

  • 11,127 rural and indigenous communities served in Peru, Mexico, Panama, Chile, Philippines and Spain.

  • 37 supply and service centres run by local microfranchised staff.

Learn more about ACCIONA.ORG

Its aim is to encourage, promote and disseminate sustainable culture in order to create a more responsible and society.

Sustainability for All is the online community created by ACCIONA to make users aware of the importanceof sustainable development. An entertaining and informative website designed to make readers aware ofthe climate emergency on the planet and learn how to lead a more sustainable life.

  • 68 % visits to Sustainability for All website came from priority countries for ACCIONA

  • Almost 5 million visits to the Sustainability for All website

Discover Sustainability for all

ACCIONA actively contributes to improving the socioeconomic systems of the communities where it operates. Its initiatives contribute to people's well-being, broaden their access to education, promote the conservation of their heritage, care for the environment and biodiversity, and promote sport and healthy lifestyles. Not only do its projects focus on job creation by training workers and creating local business but they also improvement community infrastructure.

  • In 2022, more than 2 million beneficiaries in 28 countries

Social Contribution 2022 Social Investment Contribution 2022 LBG Methodology

The Volunteering Programme promotes the participation of employees, as well as collaborators and family members, in initiatives promoted either by the company or by themselves.

The aim is to encourage local volunteering and support for the communities where ACCIONA carries out its projects, with the idea of increasing the positive impact on society and its environment.

The ultimate aim is to gain greater knowledge of the local reality and to reinforce the objective of being recognised as a valuable player in society.

  • + 15,500 volunteers from 24 countries

  • + 107,000 hours spent by volunteers on community work


Our aim is to benefit those initiatives that have the greatest impact on society and are considered to be priorities in the field of health, education and culture. Among them, we highlight the Pro CNIC Foundation, the Princess of Asturias Foundation, our collaboration with the School of Artistic Professions (SUR), National Geographic and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, among others.In 2019, a new version of the Corporate Standard for Non-commercial Donations and Sponsorships wasapproved, which is mandatory for all ACCIONA companies and employees, as well as for third parties acting on their behalf.