

In the heart of Norway

Turnkey contractor ACCIONA is design and constructing of 23 kilometres of four-lane highway in collaboration with Norwegian state-owned Nye Veier

The route, which also includes eight bridges, will be built partly on the old track, with the exception of the tunnels, which will run parallel to the existing ones. Thanks to this new infrastructure, the track will be increased from two to four lanes, thus facilitating mobility in the northern part of Trøndelag county.


The route, which includes eight bridges, will largely follow the old road, with the exception of the tunnels, which will run parallel to the existing ones. This new infrastructure aims to improve connectivity in the northern part of Trøndelag County in central Norway.

The work, which began in mid-2020, will be completed in 2024. Until it reopens, ACCIONA will also be responsible for traffic management and the construction of temporary alternatives to maintain the flow of vehicles between the two cities.

The Norwegian state-owned road planning, construction, operation and maintenance company Nye Veier has chosen ACCIONA to carry out the design and construction of this new project. Until it is reopened, it will also be responsible for traffic management and the construction of temporary alternatives to maintain the flow of vehicles between the two cities.

The new design and construction include following:

  • 23 km of 4 lanes compared to the two existing lanes (2+2).
  • 3 highway bridges (240 m, 290(x2)).
  • 3 tunnels, 7.3 km in total (1.7, 1.8, and 3.9 km).
  • Many new overpasses and culverts.
  • Project goals:
    • Improving traffic safety.
    • Improving traffic efficiency.

The recent award of the E6 Ranheim - Værnes highway reinforces ACCIONA's presence in Norway. It is currently working on the design and construction of twin 18.5 km tunnels as part of the Follo Line Project, which, once completed, will be the longest railway tunnels in Scandinavia.


  • Location: Trøndelag, Norway.
  • Contract type: Design and construction.
  • Infrastructure: 23 km of highway including three tunnels, five two-level intersections and three highway bridges.
  • Year of project completion: 2026


Since the award of the project in 2018, ACCIONA has carried out basic design work with Nye Veier under the client-contractor partnership model being implemented in the Norwegian public works market. The company engaged Rambøll and Leonhard Nilsen & Sønner AS as subcontractors for the project.

The basic design work included how to reduce the risk of unforeseen circumstances. It also optimised the road design to improve safety and traffic flow during the construction phase.

According to the current zoning plans, the route comprises approximately 15 km of open road, including bridges and approximately 8 km of tunnels.

The route includes 4 double tunnels:

  • Være Tunnel (1,700 m), one newly constructed and one rehabilitated.
  • Stavsjøfjell Tunnel (1,800 m), one newly constructed and one rehabilitated.
  • Hommelvik Tunnel (900 m), two new constructions.
  • Helltunnelen (3,900 m), one newly built and one refurbished.

The route includes 8 bridges:

  • Hommelvik Bridge (240 m), 3,158 m2.
  • Sandfærhus Bridge (290 m), 3,615 m2.
  • Remaining bridges: 6 bridges with a total of 300 metres.

Key figures


km of a four-lane highway


km of underground highway


tunnels between 1 and 4 kilometres in length




double tunnels


€ project

A business model based on sustainability

ACCIONA is a global company with a business model based on sustainability. Our goal is to meet society's most important needs through the supply of renewable energy, infrastructure, water and services. We operate in 43 countries and have about 40,000 employees. The head office is located in the Spanish capital Madrid. Our commitment to sustainability is rooted in the UN's sustainability goals.

Learn more about sustaniabilty

Where do we build when?

On behalf of Nye Veier, we will build a 23 km new four-lane motorway from Ranheim to Værnes. Here is an overview of the start of construction on the various projects.

The entire stretch between Ranheim and the airport at Værnes is scheduled for completion in 2025. New Roads will open on the road between Trondheim and Hommelvik at the end of 2024. The road between Trondheim and Reitan, at today's exit to Storsand, is scheduled to open in early 2024.

What we do for the environment locally

As gently as possible

ACCIONA aims to build the new E6 as gently as possible. We do what we can to ensure that people and the environment along the road are exposed to as little inconvenience and strain as possible.

Road construction and other construction work are impossible to carry out without noise, dust and other nuisances to the surroundings. But it is entirely possible to plan and carry out the work in such a way that the disadvantages are minimized.

In addition to following laws and guidelines, we have set ourselves a clear goal of minimizing the inconvenience to people and the environment along the way.

Least noise

We follow the Ministry of Climate and the Environment's guidelines for the treatment of noise in spatial planning (T-1442). If the calculated noise value is higher than the recommended limits, we implement noise reduction measures both for the construction phase and for the finished road. There may be noise barriers, ramparts, noise insulation of facades and noise reduction measures for patios. Sweco has performed noise calculations all the way for ACCIONA.

The Neighborhood Act also applies to road builders

Like everyone else, road builders must follow the Neighborhood Act. It states that no one is allowed to do anything that causes unreasonable or unnecessary harm or inconvenience to neighbors.

What is unreasonable or unnecessary when building a road is not always easy to assess.

We work hard to set up the work as gently as possible. If someone still thinks that we do not act gently enough, we want them to contact us, then we will come and assess the relationship.

Least possible inconvenience for road users

One of ACCIONA's five overall goals in the project E6 Ranheim — Værnes is to minimize inconveniences for all road user groups during the construction and operation period. We plan the work so that periods of closure and detour will be as short as possible. Even more important is that it should be safe for all road users while the construction work is in progress, not least for the children to and from school. We inform Vegtrafikksentralen and Nye Veier about all incidents that affect traffic. Then it is Vegtrafikksentralen that notifies road users. Nye Veier offers news alerts on e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and Nye Veier's websites. You can receive notification of explosions by SMS. Detours and changes in traffic patterns are well signposted along the road. 

What we do for the environment locally

Local environmental measures along the new E6

ACCIONA is making an efford to minimize the enironmental impact generated by the E6 Ranheim-Værnes project by impleting measures and always following profesional advice.

Here are some examples of how we constantly work to safeguard nature and the environment in the local area:

  • Fish and mussels from the Rivers Homla and Høybybekken have been removed from the area affected by the project, and placed upstreams in a safer area.
  • We will create an artificial pond to create a suitable habitat for frogs upstreams in Høybybekken.
  • When finalized, the area of Høybydalen will be improved for salmon and trouts migration with the new circuit.
  • All areas are carefully studied to minimize the impact over the fauna, for example, respecting nesting areas or bats corridors.
  • Protected species: ACCIONA helped to mark where a special orchid bloomed which has not been seen since 1975.
  • We monitor the noise generated by the project placing noise monitoring stations and, when needed, noise barriers are set up.
  • We have also implemented a monitoring system to keep control on the water quality of the rivers to identify any possible effect over them
  • All process water from tunnel construction is treated in the 4 Water treatment plants that Acciona has in the project


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