The Board of Directors of ACCIONA, S.A. called the shareholders to an Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting to be held at the date, time and place and with the agenda set forth below:

  • Date: 19th of June 2024, at 12:00p.m. (CEST) on first call and 20th of June 2024, on second call, at the same time (being most likely that the meeting will be held on second call).

  • On-site and online assistance.

Notice of Call of the General Shareholder's meeting. Proposed Resolutions. Total number of shares and voting rights on the date of the Call. Resolutions approved and voting results.
Individual Annual Accounts, management report, audit report and Directors’ declarations of responsibility concerning the annual accounts. Motion to apply the results corresponding the 2023 financial year. (Agenda items 1.1, 1.2, and 1.5). Consolidated annual accounts, management report, non-financial information statement/sustainability report, audit report and directors’ declarations of responsibility concerning the Annual Accounts (Agenda items 1.1, 1.2, and 1.4). Non-Financial Information Report (called Sustainability Report). (Agenda Item 1.4). Board of Directors’ report and motion of the appointment and remuneration committee the Directors proposed to the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting for reelection, which includes information regarding the proposed Directors. (Agenda Item 2). 2023 Annual report on Directors’ Remuneration. (Agenda Item 3). 2023 Annual Corporate Governance Report.
Report of the performance of the Committees, which includes the reports of the Audit and Sustainability Committee (containing the reports on auditors’ independence and related third party transactions); and the Appointments and Remuneration Committee. AGM Privacy Policy. Acciona Cards (attendance, proxy and voting). Company’s by-laws. General Shareholders Meeting Regulations. Board of Directors Regulations. Summary of the telematic attendance and voting procedures and granting of proxies at the General Shareholders' Meeting by long distance means of communication.

“This is a translation of a duly approved Spanish-language documents, and is provided for informational purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between the text of this translations and the text of the original Spanish-language documents which this translation is intended to report, the text of the original Spanish-language shall prevail.”