ACCIONA´S Board of Directors held on Thursday May 30th the General Shareholder´s Meeting.
Speech by President of ACCIONA, Jose Manuel Entrecanales
Resolutions approved and voting results
Notice of Call of the General Shareholder´s meeting.
Proposed Resolutions
Número total de acciones
Individual Annual Accounts, management report, audit report and Directors’ declarations of responsibility concerning the annual accounts. Motion to apply the results corresponding the 2018.
Consolidated annual accounts, management report, non-financial information statement, audit report and directors’ declarations of responsibility concerning the Annual Accounts.
Board of Directors’ report and motion of the remuneration committee to the appointments and remunerations of the Directors proposed to the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting for appointment and reelection, which includes information regarding the proposed Directors under Agenda Item no. 4.
Board of Directors’ report regarding the amendments included on the Board of Directors’ Regulations since the last Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (agenda item no. 9).
Report of the Board of Directors on share delivery plans and motion to increase the number of shares available in the 2014 share delivery and share performance plan (agenda item no. 6) (only available in Spanish version).
2018 Annual Corporate Governance Report
2018 Annual report on Directors’ Remuneration
2018 Sustainability Report
Report of the performance of the Committees, which includes the reports of a) the audit Committee (containing the reports on auditors’ independence and third party transactions) and b) the appointments and remuneration.
Acciona Cards , attendance, proxy and voting (only available in Spanish version)
Company’s by-laws
Board of Directors´ Regulations
Regulations of the General Shareholders' Meeting.